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  • Philippine Women Profile No - 651
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 642
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 650
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 654
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 644
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 656
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 658
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 655

The Culture That Shaped The Filipina Beauty

Filipina brides are best for foreign men A Filipina a colorful festival costume

With the many prestigious pageants that the Philippines has won, it’s not surprising why the Filipina beauty has come to be known across the globe. The beauty of a Filipina can definitely turn heads. However, there’s so much more to Filipinas than just their physiques. It is their character that truly shines over their many endearing qualities. All these can be attributed to their culture which has molded them to become the women known to the world today.

Filipino culture is a mixture of native and indigenous ways as well as foreign influences brought by its conquerors and foreign settlers. Their rich heritage along with their unique geographical layout made Filipino society culturally diverse. However, Philippine culture still has its commonalities that can be observed throughout the country. These cultural commonalities are what molded the Filipinas of today - admired and loved by men across different nationalities. Some of these are as follows:

Filipino culture can be so many things but dull. It is the window of the Philippines’ rich and storied heritage. Much of the defining characteristics of a true Filipina sprung from their colorful culture and traditions. It is what shaped and gave Filipinas their own identity as women of substance.

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