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Philippine Culture | How Filipinos Celebrate Christmas

A photo of bright Christmas lanterns in the Philippines Learn more about Philippine culture as you discover how they celebrate Christmas in the country.

Yuletide season is something many Filipinos look forward to, even as early as January. After Christmas has finished, they already start looking forward to the next one. Christmas is not just a religious practice in the Philippines, it also plays a massive part in Philippine culture. This holiday is where Filipinos have the biggest family gatherings as well. And that’s just one of the many reasons why people in the country love celebrating Christmas so much.

If you’re planning to meet and date Filipina women, you might as well acquaint yourself with how Christmas is observed in the Philippines, especially since it’s just right around the corner. The following are the 5 things you should know about this extremely special holiday and how it is seen and celebrated in the Philippines:

  • Shopping malls will be packed weeks before Christmas. A lot of people in the Philippines tend to shop for gifts just a few days before Christmas, or even on the day of Christmas Eve, especially since a lot of items are considerably cheaper around this time. Keeping this in mind, if you want to avoid getting into crowded areas in malls, buy your gifts a month before and avoid malls altogether when it’s just days before Christmas.

  • This would be a good time to meet your Filipina partner’s parents. In the Filipino family culture, the Christmas season is when close relatives who live and work far away from each other come home to be with everyone else. The mood in a Filipino family’s home during this time of year is carefree and incredibly joyful. Considering this, if you are to meet your Filipina partner’s parents, better do it when they are feeling their best, and that’s during Christmas. Be sure to bring them thoughtful gifts as well.

  • Christmas music will be played everywhere. Everywhere you go, no matter what time of day it is, Christmas music will be played as early as October. Malls, restaurants, homes, cabs, coffee shops, and even bars will play Christmas music to commemorate the holiday.

  • It is more than just a religious practice. Although it is still a practice exclusive to Christians, Christmas is seen by Filipino people as more than just a religious practice. Filipino culture and values are strongly felt around this season. It is the season to be more cheerful, generous, and forgiving. It can also be a chance for them to start fresh.

  • The fun doesn’t end on Christmas day. 5 days after Christmas is New Year’s. Filipino families treat this as a week-long celebration. The party certainly doesn’t stop on Christmas Day, it stops after New Year’s. People usually return to their jobs and back to their normal lives a few days after.

The Filipino people’s love for Christmas is among the many Philippine facts that you ought to know about. If you want to marry a Filipina, familiarize yourself with their Christmas holidays and learn to love it. You can then look forward to spending the holidays every year with your partner and her family. Most of all, you’ll get to learn more about Philippine culture as you celebrate one of the most important holidays in the country.

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