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Achieve Your Relationship Bucket List This National Lover’s Day

couple in a field
Bucket lists help you grow closer one item at a time.

What do you and your partner dream about accomplishing together as you live happily ever after?

There are tons of things you can do and accomplish together, whether it’s going on an exotic vacation, learning to salsa dance, or running a marathon.

The question is, are you up to achieving these goals as a couple?

Because if you do, now is your chance to create and pull off a relationship bucket list.

Creating such a bucket list is easy. All you need is a pen, some paper, and quality time together to brainstorm. Take the time to write down all the things you dream about doing as a couple. This list will serve as a visual reminder of the exciting possibilities in store for the two of you.

Research reveals that the process of writing down what you want in life will increase the probability of it happening.

As you make your bucket list of romantic things couples do together, try to keep it practical and realistic.

It doesn’t matter if you are in a new relationship and want to get to know each other better, or you are in a long-term relationship and want to spice things up, you need to find new ways to connect.

And there’s no better time to do that than on National Lover’s Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the love you have with your partner. If you have been clueless about this particular day, you can make up for it by celebrating it in a way different from Valentine’s.

Flowers and chocolates are overrated anyway.

Instead, why not make that bucket list of yours turn into reality?

Start Today

Tomorrow is never promised. Learn to celebrate each day with your partner. So celebrate your wins, big or small, every now and then.

Your goals don’t need to be grand. They just need to be quality. Show her that you really care about her and you don’t need to be reminded about how amazing she is.

Here is a list of cute couple things to do for National Lover’s Day:

Get a Couple Massage

Whether it’s to destress, release tension in your body, or just relax together, a couple massage is the perfect medicine.

A couple massage lets you share a moment of relaxation. You share an intimate moment without having to get physically intimate.

It can be embarrassing if it’s your first time, but it will give you memories to look back on together. It’s always nice to know that someone is enjoying themselves along with you.

Stay In Bed All Day (And Night)

The pressure from work and the responsibilities can take away time from your partner. So turn your National Lover’s Day into “couple lazy day.”

Don’t do anything. Just lay down in bed and snuggle.

Do this only once in a blue moon. You wouldn’t want to get too used to it.

Feed Each Other

You seldom eat at home on work days. You either leave very early to beat the rush hour traffic, or you stay late because there are urgent matters to do in the office or your boss wants you to hang out with your co-employees.

You don’t get to enjoy a meal with each other. Now is your chance to spoil her.

Prepare food and bring it to your bed. Have a breakfast in bed, and take turns putting food in each other’s mouth. This could really be cute and will boost intimacy between the two of you.

Write Each Other a Love Letter

Before the emergence of the internet and even the telephone, people wrote each other letters.

But the act of writing and reading handwritten letters is a unique experience that’s difficult to replicate with anything else.

It truly is wonderful to receive letters. How much more if it is a love letter from your partner?

It isn’t hard to do at all. All you need is to buy stationery paper, a good quality pen, and you are good to write.

Make her fall in love with you through your poetic words, written in your own hand.

Camp Out

Go out and be one with nature. The wonderful thing about camping out with your lover is that you’re both out of your comfort zone, but totally on your own.

You get to spend quality time, enjoy the beautiful landscapes, see different plants, stroll along different areas, and have a view of the stars at night.

You also get to put your survival skills to use. And where there is the slightest hint of danger and mystery in the outdoors, there is excitement.

So detach from the world and your busy life.

We all know that spending some time in a peaceful and quiet place is vital in every relationship. So pack up and enjoy camping with your partner.

A photo of a happy couple near the beach during daytime.
There is no finish line in a relationship, just goals to conquer together.

Get a Tattoo

Are you fond of tattoos or are you curious and want to get one? Then get inked together.

Whether it is a cute little flower surrounded by hearts, or a raging tiger wielding a flaming sword, tattoos are (almost) permanent declarations of your passion for each other.

So what better romantic bucket list idea for couples than getting yourself matching ink?

But think this one through before you go on with it. You wouldn’t want to end up regretting it in the future.

Go Skydiving

Do you want to experience what it’s like to be on top of the world while simultaneously screaming your heart out?

Try skydiving with your other half. Enjoy the adrenaline rush a thousand feet from the ground.

Share a moment in time where you are utterly, helplessly racing towards the earth in an intense rush to open your parachute.

It is beautiful to escape from reality and a chance to enjoy a very unusual activity with your partner. It’s so unique, you’re bound never to forget it.

Bucket Lists Boosts Relationships

Sharing and discussing common hopes with your partner will help you get closer and more connected. It makes you a team and keeps you focused on one another and your future.

“Couple goals” give you something to look forward to.

National Lover’s Day is only one day but it doesn’t hurt to go the extra mile for your partner. Make them smile, spoil them, and achieve one relationship bucket list with them all day!

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