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Do This IMMEDIATELY After Dating Filipino Women

A photo of a foreign man enjoying the company of beautiful Filipino women Learn more about what to do after going on a date with FIlipino women.

“Hey Conor, It's Gigi, I just thought that I hadn't heard from you, and I mean how stupid is it that a girl has to wait for a guy's call anyway, right? Because we're all equal, right? More than equal. More women are accepted into law school now than men. Call me, oh this is Gigi, call me.”

So your date with a Filipina was a success. As far as you know, there were no hitches, no bad luck, no awkward moments, just a romantic night out with a beautiful woman.

Heading towards the end of the date, you may have come to ask yourself: What now?

Oddly enough, the majority of western men who have successfully dated Filipino women have no idea what to do next. Such is the sad truth with most cross-cultural relationships.

After your goodbyes, and that special parting kiss, what else is there to do?

If you happen to have this kind of dilemma, it’s likely that you might not be able to go out on a second date with the Filipino woman you’re interested in.

The purpose of dating is to ensure that your intentions are genuine and sincere. Apart from the process of trying to get to know each other, the events that take place before and after a single date are just as important as the reason for you wanting to find love among beautiful Filipino women.

The amount of effort you put into before your dates should be the same afterward.

Remember, making a good impression doesn’t stop after you’ve had your first few dates. Filipina girls will greatly appreciate your consistency in wanting to make them feel valued, even when you’re confident that your chances of winning their hearts are at an all time high.

How a date ends and what you do afterwards can make or break your chances of having a loving relationship with a Filipina. As much as possible, prevent her from thinking that your level of interest has gotten low, simply because your first few dates with her were a success.

Parting ways after a date is always a crucial moment for both the man and woman. It is a significant factor in assessing whether the date was perfect, and if a second date is in order.

Body language and physical contact are also important in any stage of dating. According to experts, women perceive a handshake or a goodbye wave as an indication that their date is not that interested in them. A hug and a kiss goodbye, on the other hand, indicate that there is an undeniable attraction.

What you do after your date determines whether or not Filipino women will perceive you as interested, or if you’re just testing out the waters.

When your date is officially over, here are some basic tips to keep in mind:

Take her home.

Offering to take her home will show that you care about her safety. Any relationship expert will tell you that this is a gentlemanly gesture that women will always want from the man they’re dating.

However, don’t ruin your chances by randomly taking her to your place, let alone ask her if she wants to.

Make sure to make physical contact.

Words are never enough. A hug or kiss – even if it’s just a smack on the cheek or forehead – is enough to make her feel that you enjoyed your time with her.

Having no physical contact will only make it awkward for the both of you, resulting in bad judgment of the date you just had.

Text or call her.

Texting or calling a Filipino woman after a date is very important. It is a way of showing that you still want to hear from her even after you’ve parted ways.

Despite the result of your date, you should never forget to communicate with her afterwards. No text or call usually means you are no longer interested.

Thank her for her time.

This may not be much, but the gesture of expressing gratitude and appreciation will never fail to make her feel important.

It’s not every day that someone will thank her for her time, and when you do this, it would simply be the greatest feeling in the world. Thanking her will not only show her that you enjoyed your time with her, but it will also indicate that you are willing to go out with her on another date.

Ask her out on another date.

It is never too early to ask her out again, especially if you feel that she also had a great time with you on your date. Just be sure to take your time in figuring out how to ask her to avoid making her think you’re in a rush.

Visit her.

It is part of the Filipino dating culture to visit the woman after having gone out on a few dates. You may consider offering to visit her even after your date has finished.

This will allow her to see your efforts in wanting to spend more time with her.

Keep in mind that Filipino women are highly sought-after, so any sign that you’re losing interest might just give the next guy a chance to do better. If she’s living with her family, remember to bring a gift for them during your visit.

Don’t ghost her.

Ghosting a Filipino girl after dating her is such an insensitive thing to do.

If you have no intention of staying in the long run, you’re better off not dating her at all. Ghosting is when you show signs that you’re interested in her, but when she starts to reciprocate that feeling, you suddenly cut off all contact with her without so much of a hint or warning.

While it’s fairly common to see more Filipino women dating western men, not all end up with a fairy tale ending. Understanding a Filipina and knowing what needs to be done before, during, and after your dates will determine your chances of having a good and lasting relationship with her.

Knowing What Happens After Dating Filipino Women

Whether you’re casually dating Filipino women or in it for the long term, always remember that you’re not in a race to win their hearts.

It’s in dating the woman you like that you’ll be able to create a genuine connection and see if you’re both compatible in a romantic aspect. It is a social event that should be taken slowly and enjoyed by both parties at a comfortable pace.

This gives you the confidence and interest to go out on more dates with women from the Philippines, and eventually determine if a serious and loving relationship is possible with one.

Knowing what to do after dating Filipino women should be a top priority, the same with knowing how to win their hearts when you’re courting them. Being confident and well prepared will help you act appropriately without fear of ruining your chances of finding love.

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