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Having Fun Dating Filipinas in the Philippines

A photo of a woman in a hayfield Make it a point to have fun while dating beautiful Filipinas.

There are more than a few men around the world who are interested in dating Filipinas, so much so that they get on a plane, pick up a Manila city map at the airport when they land, and try to find Filipino women to date.

Then again, there are a few things about dating these ladies that men tend to forget.

When people think of dating in the city of Manila, they probably picture it like that of any other city in the world. The Metro Manila area is pretty big, so opportunities for all kinds of romantic relationships do indeed abound.

Dinner and a movie are considered staples in the Manila dating scene, but dating in the Philippines can include more than just the traditional get-together. With so many famous tourist attractions in and outside of the country's capital, an average foreign man will indeed fall in love with more than just the women — he will most likely be captivated by the sights as well.

Sights include the Banaue Rice Terraces, the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, the Subterranean River National Park in Puerto Princesa, Malapascua Island, and many more.

Of course, your dates with Filipino women should be romantic. That, after all, is the whole point of courting them. However, a lot of people neglect one very important thing about dating someone they're interested in; having fun.

It’s not just about gazing lovingly into your partner’s eyes, it’s also about being able to enjoy each other's company, sharing jokes, taking an interest in the things you're both passionate about, and so on.

Regardless of whatever it is you're doing, it's a simple fact that not everyone knows how to have fun, especially when they're on a date. You can have fun with your friends and family, or even by yourself, but putting a romantic element into the things you do can throw you off your game.

If that is the case, there is no need to worry as the purpose of this guide is to give you some tips on how you can have fun on your dates, particularly with beautiful Filipinas. Here are some examples to consider:

  1. Appreciate The Architecture

    The Philippines used to be a Spanish colony, so remnants of its colonial past are still present all around the country.

    Spanish colonial architecture can be found around the city of Manila, with many houses still standing despite huge chunks of the country having been devastated by the Second World War. Walking around certain areas of Metro Manila wherein that type of architecture still abounds can be a pretty fun and informative activity for a date.

    Plus, this would be a great way to know more about Filipino culture.

  2. A Fun Meal

    Getting to sit down and share a meal with your significant other is one of the many things you can do to have a good time. When people think of dating, taking someone out to dinner is usually what comes to mind first.

    However, romance is not the only thing that can bloom when sharing a meal with someone you care about. Going to a restaurant that serves more than the standard fare can be an adventure in and of itself. Going out to eat is part of dating in the Philippines, and it’s part of the world at large.

  3. Karaoke

    Filipino girls love to sing. They are going to want to enjoy karaoke just like many of their fellow countrymen do, so it would never be a bad idea to take a Filipina out to one for your date.

    These ladies love karaoke so much that karaoke bars can be seen along the streets, in the provinces, in the city, as well as in rural areas. It’s also not unusual for malls to have a karaoke bar, and even when there isn't one available in your immediate area, a roadside store or dining establishment will occasionally pull out a karaoke machine attached to a television set and let patrons go crazy.

  4. Go To A Volcano

    The Philippines is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, an arc encompassing the Pacific Ocean, so the country has its fair share of volcanoes. In fact, the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo is one of the largest terrestrial eruptions recorded in the 20th century. As such, volcanic activity is nothing new to Filipinos.

    Some volcanic areas, like Taal Lake, are pretty popular tourist destinations. Taking a girl to a volcano that could erupt without warning might be a risk, but it’s the kind of risk that is also kind of fun, like bungee jumping or skydiving.

  5. Going To An Amusement Park

    Amusement parks are all about fun. Fun is in fact part of the reason that establishments like these exist, especially since they need to provide fun in order to charge a fee from those who wish to take part in it. Many couples go to amusement parks to have fun while getting close to one another. Of course, Filipino women are no strangers to this kind of dating activity, so there's no question about them enjoying it, particularly on a date.

  6. Meeting The Family

    Family is important to Filipinos, so much so that if a Filipina dates someone, everyone in her family will know about it through phone trees, social media, or the family group chat, and once the family knows, family friends will know about it as well.

    This means that meeting the family will be more than just a simple get-together. It can turn into a party, and let's face it, parties can be fun.

    Filipinos don't play around when it comes to dating. If you go out with a Filipina girl, even just after a few dates, meeting her family will eventually become a topic she will bring up with you — that is if you both have serious intentions.

  7. Just Enjoy Each Other’s Company

    One way to have fun while dating a Filipina is to just let go and enjoy yourselves. Not everyone gets to go out on a date and potentially find love. Those who do should make it a point to be appreciative of such an opportunity.

    Looking for someone to be in a happy and loving relationship with can sometimes be a tedious task, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Fun is something that you can have while dating Filipinas, especially since fun is also important to have in a relationship.

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