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  • Philippine Women Profile No - 645
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How to Win a Filipina’s Heart

Dating Women in the Philippines Impressing Filipinas is easy as long as you’re eager to learn more about their culture when it comes to love and relationships.

It’s not much of a surprise when a Filipino woman manages to sweep you off your feet the very first time you meet her. These ladies are friendly, charming, and beautiful - qualities that are hard to resist in a woman. Then again, not all Filipinas are the same, especially when it comes to their preferences in love and relationships.

Filipino women may appear friendly to many foreign men, but this doesn’t mean that they are easy to get. That’s one common misconception about them. They are keen observers, which is why impressing a beautiful Filipina is no easy task.

Winning a Filipina’s heart requires time and certain efforts. In fact, even local men have difficulty pursuing their dream Filipina. Foreign men need to exhibit certain behaviors to have a chance at dating someone who could be their potential life partner, and in this case, to woo a Filipina girl, they need to know just how to do it.

To help you in your pursuit, here are five helpful pieces of advice on how to make a good and lasting impression, and eventually be able to win a Filipina’s heart in the long run:

Win Filipino Families FIRST.

A Filipina will easily reject a suitor if her family members are not impressed with him. It doesn’t matter if she’s head over heels for that man. What’s more important is the opinion and approval of her family.

That’s how powerful the role of a family is in Filipino dating culture.

As such, before you think about winning one’s heart, have the guts to face her parents first. Be sure to leave a good impression on them. Ask for their permission to pursue their lovely daughter.

However, asking permission from Filipino parents isn’t as easy as you think. I want to let you know that I like your daughter and want to date her.”

You need to have a sincere speech as to why you want to pursue her. Maybe it’s a bit exaggerated, but you get the point.

Also, don’t just state why you wish to pursue her.

Show them that you have genuine intentions and that you’re capable of taking care of her. Prove to Filipino women that you're not the quitting type and they'll be devoted to you as well.

Filipinos take commitment very seriously, so you will need to have that quality the moment you decide that you want to be in a relationship with a Filipina.

Once you get the approval of her family, only then will you be able to pursue her and attempt to win her heart.

Here’s a bonus tip: Once you meet her parents, humbly approach them, take the back of their hand to your forehead, and say, “Mano po.” This will show that you’re not only respecting them, but also their culture.

Be a Gentleman While Pursuing Filipinas

The courting stage in the Philippines lasts extremely long compared to other countries. It could take months, or even years! The length of the process, however, depends on how you present yourself to them. With that being said, waste no time in showing that you deserve to win one’s heart.

Show her your chivalrous side. Never make a Filipina carry heavy things like luggage or groceries. Open doors for her.

Pull up a chair and let her sit first. Carry that umbrella.

Give her your coat or jacket. Respect her and all the people around her.

These simple yet sweet gestures are more than enough when it comes to impressing Filipinas.

Yes, efforts are important in proving that you’re determined to win one’s heart. But you don’t have to go over the top and spend a hefty amount of money on high-end gifts or five-star restaurants. Pursue her not with your wealth, but with your intentions.

With this, you’re not putting too much pressure on her. You’re not rushing her to make a decision. Instead, you’re assuring her that once she gives you her approval, you’ll be able to give her the love that she deserves.

Filipinas LOVE Consistency

If you’re not sincere, you can never become consistent in pursuing someone to be part of your life.

Filipino women aren’t pushovers. Most of the time, they play hard to get. It’s a test to see if the sincerity being flaunted to them isn’t just for display.

They make sure that you have genuine motives and that you’re not just going to get up and leave once you get what you want. It’s also their way of knowing if you can be trusted.

Open yourself up to these ladies. Knowing how to impress a Filipina girl starts with making yourself relatable.

Share your experiences and life stories. Be honest with them. If you’re consistent, it will be their turn soon to open up to you, and that’s one major achievement in winning someone over.

Give compliments and appreciate her beauty.

Even if they’re shy about it, Filipinas love it when they are complimented. Don’t hold back on telling your date how beautiful she looks. It will catch her off guard and she will certainly blush out of ‘kilig.’

Being ‘kilig’ is one of the early signs a Filipina likes you. There’s no exact translation of the word in English, but the closest definition is that it’s a feeling of elation caused by a romantic experience.

In the long run, telling her how beautiful she is will make her smile often. However, don’t just do it out of habit. Always mean it. Also, compliment her when she least expects it.

A Filipina’s beauty isn’t the only thing worth complimenting. Most of them are also good cooks. Thus, if it comes to a point where your date gets to cook you a dish, compliment her because the food will surely taste great.

Be yourself.

This advice never gets old. In winning a Filipina’s heart, being yourself is deemed most important. There’s no point in being someone else because this will not do well in the long run. Sooner or later, she will discover who you really are.

As early as the first date, don’t hesitate to show her your dorky side. That way, she is assured that you’re being honest with her. Or, if you have far worse habits or behaviors, still, tell her about it. She will accept it as long as you’re willing to improve yourself.

Work on improving yourself because in every long term relationship, there has to be compromise.

If you think there is something about you that needs improvement, your potential partner will most likely feel the same way. So you might as well work on it and become a better you not just for your partner, but also for yourself.

You may not know how to make a Filipina fall in love with you, but as long as you have the traits necessary for a relationship to work, you’ll do just fine.

Bonus Advice: Bring her to places.

While it’s a fact that the Philippines is home to some of the most beautiful wonders in the world, not every Filipina has the privilege to experience these places -- and that’s for obvious reasons (third world problems!). No matter how much they want to, traveling is not just for every Filipina.

That’s why they would appreciate it if you’d offer to bring them on your backpacking or island-hopping adventures around the country. Even if that would only be a trip around their locality, they will still get to feel the same excitement.

However, you can’t go directly to this bonus advice. Know that Filipinas will undoubtedly reject this offer if they barely know you. So work on the five pieces of advice we have provided, and wrap it up with a lovely itinerary around the country. With that, you’ll be well on your way to winning their hearts!

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