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Avoiding Scams While Dating Filipinas Online

A cursor hovering over a heart. Find love on the internet, but make sure to protect your heart.

There’s a lot of guys that try online dating in order to find themselves a partner. But the thing about the people who are online is that they aren’t always real people.

Sometimes they’re bots, other times they are real people. The point is not everyone is who they present themselves to be. Their intentions are not to find a partner. What’s worse is they pose as Filipina ladies because they know that there are men out there interested in dating Filipinas.

Sometimes people are just dishonest. Which makes going online to try and find love a bit tricky. Not that trying to do so in real life is any easier or less fraught with risk.

But the risk when it comes to the digital dating world is a little different. While international matchmaking services can help couples, there is still the human element that’s not always predictable.

But there are ways to protect yourself when you’re using matchmaking services to find a Filipina woman to date, which you should still employ even when using high end matchmaking services.

It’s not altogether uncommon for a person to be scammed while online. A common variant is when someone gets an email from a deposed royal asking for a small loan so they can access their offshore funds. They say the loan will be repaid with significant interest. Invariably, the loan never gets paid back.

A similar occurrence can happen with a romantic bent to it as well. A person meets another person online, charms them, and suddenly, there’s a whole host of issues that they need to take care of that requires the financial intervention of their partner.

The partner may have their misgivings, but they’ll fork over the funds anyway. Then there will be another issue, and when the prospect of meeting in real life is brought up, it’s sidestepped. The worst part is con artists like these perpetuate the myth that Filipinas are gold diggers, which simply isn’t true at all.

So a person who gets entangled with a romantic scammer can end up with a bank account that’s been drained and a broken heart. To minimize coming across these con artists, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check their profile pictures
    Most people will generally have pictures on their profiles when they’re trying to date someone online. This is so that their potential mates will see what they look like.
    But when it comes to scammers, these pictures will not be their actual pictures at all. They’ll be pictures taken from other sources. One method to discover the truth of this is to simply do a reverse image search. If it leads to anything other than a generic results page, then chances are that the pictures were taken from other sources.
  2. Check their social media accounts
    A lot of people have social media profiles, many of them across multiple platforms. In fact, social media is so prevalent that it can be a little suspicious if a person does not appear to have any kind of presence on social media.
    Filipinos, and Filipina women, tend to use the internet a lot, to the point that the country holds records for internet and social media usage. As such, a Filipina that’s not only social media of any sort outside of her dating profile can be a little suspicious.
    If they have social media profiles (which they regularly update and keep active), then it’s a good indicator that they may actually be a real person who is currently alive in the world.
    Many dating tips encourage a bit of social media stalking just so that a person can be better prepared to show their date a good time. So just a little bit of information-gathering might be called for. Besides, Filipinas are renowned for being active on social media. So if you encounter one that isn’t so engaging on her accounts, consider that a red flag.
  3. Use a professional service
    A matchmaker isn’t infallible. But they’re a lot less fallible than the average person is. Just browsing about on the internet trying to find a date is riskier than going to a professional. If only because professional services can and screen the Filipina women who sign up with them, taking great pains to make sure that these women are legitimate in wanting to find a life partner.
    There’s no foolproof way to go about online dating. There’s just no way to avoid risk. But the thing is that risk is inherent when it comes to dating.
    Duplicitous people with ulterior motives are present everywhere not just online, and they do not always present themselves in a romantic context. Sometimes they pretend to be your friends or potential business partners.
    Risk is inherent in dating. Going to a professional service can help reduce risk .
  4. Never reveal financial information
    One great way to avoid attracting the attention of a gold-digger is to keep your finances to yourself. Don’t reveal whatever money that you may or may not have.
    A gold-digger will likely not even target a person whom they do not believe that they can get something from. Still, some of these criminals do know how to squeeze out information. So to be safe, better to just keep mum about your financial situation.
  5. Set a timeline
    The thing about dating someone online is that there’s probably an element of distance involved in the courtship. Maybe you and your partner are on different sides of the world and can only communicate with one another because of geographical realities.
    But one thing that many couples in long-distance relationships do is to set a timeline for themselves and their relationships. This means choosing a date on when they can be together. The commitment in this case is a little more permanent than just a couple of weeks together.
    If a person is less than receptive to the timeline, then maybe they’re not fully committed to the relationship, which may indicate that they’re not in it for the right reasons.

Though it should be noted that some people are simply not ready to be fully committed to a timeline. This doesn’t mean that they’re after some material gain from the relationship. They have their own pace as to when they’re comfortable with certain milestones in relationships.

You can also use the meeting as an excuse to explore other countries. The Philippines, in particular, is slowly becoming a tourist haven. So when meeting your Filipina date, grab the chance to visit top attractions in the country.

Relationships do come with an element of risk built in. Relationships require us to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is risky by nature. Going online presents a unique risk because of the easy anonymity that the internet provides.

Online dating, and dating in general, isn’t easy. Opening yourself up to someone can be a very scary thing. But life itself can be a very scary thing and it’s a lot less scary when you’re not alone. Luckily, there are ways to keep yourself safe while you’re trying to find someone to be less alone with.

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