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Struggles Dating Asian Women as a Non Asian Man

A photo of a side-facing woman.
Dating an Asian woman means respecting her wholeness despite the stereotypes of society.

White men = Yellow fever!

Guys from the west have been called lots of names - Superior, aggressive, predator.

You name it, you have it. Due to this phenomenon, the pattern of prejudgment based on someone's race and culture has not changed, especially from women who ran into maltreatment.

But, isn't it unfair to be tagged as someone you’re not - linking you to the generalization they created because of their awful experience from a person of your same kind?

People look at you from head to toe. Observing how you act. Misinterpreting your intentions. Misunderstanding your words. Sigh… these are all just a series of misrepresentations for westerners.

Frustrating it is to encounter this ordeal.

If you are a non-Asian man, I know you have this kind of dilemma, especially when you engage in online dating and converse with a girl who has Asian roots. Like, regardless of how fascinated you are in dating someone from the east side, you are thinking of how you would make yourself someone with pure motive. First impressions last, indeed!

Dating Asian women shares the same spotlight with those lads who date lassies of their race. You share matters that she can relate to. Bring her to romantic places. Jive with her hobbies and interests. And yes, there is no big difference between the dating process of white and Asian women. At the end of the day, you aim for love and commitment.

On a positive note, there are guys who really want pure, genuine relationships with Asian women. Not because they see these maidens as erotic objects, but they simply have the qualities of a great partner. There are even quite a number of white lads who end up marrying one.

The challenge here now, as a non Asian man, is the way to eliminate the stereotypes of people about dating girls from Asia.

Racial Stereotypes.

A photo of a man and woman looking in the opposite direction.
It is struggling to think that white men are judged based on how other men treat women.

Asian women bring with them racial stereotypes that influence their decision of whom to befriend and date.

This phenomenon happens because they have real-life encounters with white misters who were just focusing on their nationalities rather than knowing them deeper.

Asian American women living in the US, in particular, are sometimes questioned about where they come from. Of course, the common answer to that is the place where you are currently dwelling. But, that isn't what is being meant. They mean the origin country. The ethnicity.

Ethnicity is more than just the physical appearance of the person. It speaks of history.

Yellow fever is a widespread reality.

During the early days of navigation in the 15th century is when gender symbols began. This started when the Europeans tied female identity with submissiveness and weakness. Control and manipulation were practiced.

However, gender imagination didn't exclude Asian men. The exploration in the continent made men feminine. As a result, Asian females were easily available for white men.

For this reason, Asian lassies nowadays find it intimidating when whites ask for their race, ethnicity or whatsoever relating to roots. It doesn’t talk anymore about preference. So, why?

Needless to ask, in this current time which is extremely influenced by the past, how would you be able to reverse your dominant, manipulative image programmed by society?

Liking or Fetishizing?

When you’re a non-Asian man engaging in online dating apps, what are the online dating pros and cons?

You really need to ask yourself this question because it will lead you to the right path. It sounds funny, but that’s how virtual dating works. Your identity is not yet disclosed. You need to swipe multiple times just to find a perfect match.

If you are also interested in finding the perfect one from the eastern and northern hemispheres, ask yourself how to meet asian women?

It is crucial to have preferences, especially when it deals with nationality. You might be under a category you never expected to be. That is why a few things must be considered.

Learn how to get rid of yellow fever tags.

Data gathered from online dating sites, majority of men except for Asians prefer romantic connections with Asian women. In fact, there numbers of dating sites intended for men who look for dates from Asian roots.

Are you one of those who like Asian women with pure intentions or those who fetishize them because of race?

Celebrate The Beauty of All Ethnicities

A photo of three beautiful women.
Ethnicity should never be the topmost priority in loving someone. Get to know the woman better more than her race.

All men should agree that women have beauties they can be proud of. Despite women’s racial differences, skin color, language, and perspectives, they all deserve to be loved.

In reality, there are influences that may become so impactful in your daily encounter with women. Yet, talking with them constantly allows you to know them not just their race, but their character and quality as a person.

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