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  • Philippine Women Profile No - 648
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Preventing a Break Up : Winning Filipinas Back

 A photo of a woman in black tank top Prevent a breakup with Filipinas by knowing how to win them back.

Filipinas -- what makes them uniquely beautiful?

The Philippines was colonized by three different countries, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that Filipino people have mixed blood, culture, and most of all, beauties.

While getting into a relationship with a Filipina can be easy for some foreigners, considering they have a huge advantage against Filipino men, the question is, how can they make it last? In your case, if your goal is to ultimately win the heart of a Filipina, how do you prevent her from ever leaving you?

As they say, love fades over time. That’s not necessarily true! Love works if you’re willing to make it work, and it lasts if you want it to last.

Keeping a relationship and preventing breakups is no simple matter. It requires dedication, passion, and love.

As such, here are some tips that can save your relationship with Filipinas and how you can win their hearts back:

1. Communicate.

Preventing a break up shouldn’t be a chore for anyone who is happy with the person they’re in a relationship with. With that being said, honest communication should be second nature to any two people who are committed to each other.

Communication allows you to explain what you are experiencing and what your needs are. Not only does the act of communicating help meet your needs, but it also helps you be connected to your significant other.

Frankly, Filipina women love to talk. It could be about the past, the present, or the future. They know that communication is a two-way street. Just as much as they love to talk about their own experiences, they also love to listen to what you have to say.

2. Resist making accusations.

Let’s face it, no one wants to be accused, especially if they’re not in the wrong. Approach these women calmly without being defensive or you will easily end up in a heated argument. Instead, work on telling them that you want to make your relationship better.

Provide suggestions for both of you. If there’s something you want to resolve, be sure to find the root cause of the problem and avoid making stuff up.

Filipinos are proud people. Every accusation you make shreds every bit of their dignity. For them, that’s worse than dying.

3. Refrain from insulting your partner.

No matter what circumstance or situation you’re in, one of the keys to having a healthy relationship with your partner is to refrain from insulting them. Words can hurt as much as weapons. Words spoken can’t be taken back, and what’s worse is that your partner won’t forget it, even worse, forgive you.

Saying hurtful things to your partner will lower their self-esteem, making them feel vulnerable and unloved. Filipinas are sensitive and they might begin to feel that you’re behaving this way because you don’t love them anymore.

4. Take time to tell your partner why you love them.

Not just once, but often. Everyone likes to be reminded that they are loved, and these women are no exception. Your partner needs to know that you appreciate them, and don’t just assume that they know.

Even something as small as giving a compliment on how they look can go a long way and make their heart skip a beat. It makes your partner feel yearned for. Hearing it from their significant other paints a picture that they’re going to be with you in the long run.

5. Be supportive.

Filipinas are very supportive and loving towards their partners. With that, it’s only natural for you to give back what they’ve given. Pay attention and look for ways to give your partner the things they need the most, even if they don’t tell you.

Having a strong and supportive relationship is known to provide emotional help, reduce stress, increase life span, and give greater levels of happiness. Support your woman and push her beyond her limits. Trust her and show optimism and always remember that she’s your partner.

6. Don’t neglect yourself.

All relationships require you to give a part of yourself. If you are incapable of providing love, care, and respect for yourself, then you’re surely incapable of giving these things to your partner. Even if you can, it will not be healthy anymore.

If your needs aren’t being met, find a way to let your partner know. It’s much easier to let them know in a positive way rather than causing yourself unhappiness by bottling up all your thoughts and emotions and eventually blaming your partner.

7. Never try to solve a problem when you’re angry.

Although anger is a natural, human emotion, it can be the source of a lot of pain and anguish. All too often, anger, when left unchecked, leads to feelings being hurt, a lack of understanding, and in the worst cases, physical and emotional harm.

How anger is expressed is an external issue that can affect others, including those who are close to us and who we love the most.

8. Set aside quality time for the two of you.

Try setting up a date night. This way, it will give you more meaningful time with your partner and paying attention to them will be easier. Allow yourselves to reconnect with each other and remind yourselves of why you are together in the first place.

Take note that one of the Filipino pastimes is reminiscing about beautiful memories.

9. Discuss decisions that affect both of you.

Trust issues are eliminated when each decision you make together as a couple successfully brings you closer to each other. It deepens the connection and increases the level of trust that you are looking for, giving each of your needs equal equal importance. So always try to find a solution that will keep you both happy.

10. Don’t lie.

Another important consideration to avoid a breakup with Filipinas is to never lie. Honesty is a key component of a healthy relationship, not only because it helps us avoid harmful breaches of trust, but also because it allows us to live in reality instead of fantasy, especially if we are to share said reality with our partner.

Everyone lies occasionally. It’s human nature. Then again, it isn’t an excuse to lie to your partner. Never lie about things that are important to your relationship.

How to Sweep a Filipina Off Her Feet

Filipino women aren’t hard to please. Part of Filipino culture encourages them to strive for simplicity, which makes them easy to please.

Filipinas love men who are genuine, chivalrous, and family-oriented. Every man who knows how to make his woman happy and knows how to treat her right is welcome to date a Filipina. If you are looking for somebody who is as invested in finding love like you, someone who’s willing to settle down and have a bright future with you, consider giving these ladies a chance to prove their worth.

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