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  • Philippine Women Profile No - 646
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 642
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 643
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 648
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 652
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 644
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 649
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 654

Why Foreign Men Choose to Get Married in the Philippines

Paperwork for the K1 Visa application, which allows couples to smoothly get married in the Philippines
Do you find international marriage processes complicated? Get married in the Philippines with our help.

Why do foreign men marry Filipinas when international marriage processes can be challenging?

Such a question is commonly asked by Filipinos whenever they see a Pinay walking hand-in-hand with a foreign husband.

For foreigners, some of you might be thinking the same thing.

Why go through the hassle of acquiring legal documents, waiting in line, and attending interviews to obtain an international marriage license when you can easily find a woman from your own country and marry without any trouble?

George, one of our clients, speaks on behalf of foreign men as he shares his reason for getting married in the Philippines.

Traditional Perspective

George has been married to Anamayer for over two years.

When asked what attracted him to her, he answered that it was her traditional perspective.

According to George, he had dated many women from his country.

However, his experiences with them made him realize that they were monetarily-driven, whereas he wanted someone who was family-oriented.

“Of course, we need to make money in life. But what’s important is the person who will love you faithfully, stand by you, and raise a sweet, loving family together,” says George.

Considering that Filipinas are known for holding such values, he decided to reach out to us for help to meet beautiful women from our country.

We connected him with Anamayer, and shortly after, he decided to visit the Philippines to meet her in person.

True to her online persona, George confirmed that Anamayer’s primary concern is taking care of her family, as well as her future husband and children. As a result, he fell deeper in love with her.

Similarly, Anamayer was equally charmed by George’s genuine intentions and humorous personality.

It was obvious that their love for each other would inevitably lead to marriage.

A couple of days later, George proposed to Anamayer at the St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Davao City.

Smooth Processing of Filipina Fiancee Visa

Many other foreigners dream of going to the Philippines to find a wife. However, one of their concerns is the complicated marriage process that follows their proposal.

George, too, had this concern at the back of his mind.

However, he stated that he had a smooth experience thanks to our staff.

According to him, our staff suggested applying for the K1 or Filipina fiancee visa before getting married in the Philippines.

Trusting their expertise, the couple took the suggestion.

Anamayer received her K1 visa within five months. They then had a courthouse wedding in the United States to legalize their marriage.

After organizing their paperwork, the couple returned to the Philippines.

Shortly after that, they had a Catholic church wedding, which took place in the same church where George had proposed.

According to him, acquiring a K1 visa and marrying in the U.S. first was better than legalizing their union in the Philippines and going through the hassle of petitioning the U.S. government for his wife’s entry to his country.

How to Find a Good Wife in the Philippines

If you’re looking for a traditional woman, many foreign men will agree that a Filipina is an ideal choice.

However, with plenty of online dating scams nowadays, how can you be sure that you’ll be able to find a good wife?

Even if you do, is it worth getting married in the Philippines?

Like George, you can turn to our matchmakers to provide you with the best way to meet Filipinas – through our renowned singles vacation. This is where you’ll get to meet hundreds of potential partners who are looking for a life partner.

Since the goal is to help you find a wife, our matchmakers will guide you through every step of your journey to marriage, removing the stress that comes with international marriage processes.

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