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  • Philippine Women Profile No - 642
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 658
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 656
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 651
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 652
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 649
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 644
  • Philippine Women Profile No - 653

Jealousy When Guys Date in Asia: The Philippines

When a foreign man tries to date in Asia, the Philippines can be rife with jealousy. This is because Filipinas fall fast and they fall hard. In as little as one date, they can fall so deep in love that they’re ready to get married.

Jealousy can be common in relationships. It can also be common when a Filipina is looking for men to date. She may find one that she likes and get jealous when she sees others attempt to encroach on her territory and take what she feels is hers.

It’s not uncommon for many Filipinas to feel a twinge of jealousy over foreign men. These men come to the country on group tours, all converging at the best place to find a wife in the Philippines. And they’re relatively rare, so a Filipina is going to want to safeguard her connection with one.

For a full glimpse of the social events that happen on these tours, watch this video:

A man embracing a filipino woman
When guys date in Asia, the Philippines can be a hotbed of jealousy because Filipinas fall fast.

In these social events, these men get to meet and chat with Filipinas, trying to shift the odds in their favor. The romance tours that bring these guys to the Philippines are pretty small, so male/female imbalance is almost guaranteed. It could be, on the low end, around 200 women for a handful of men on these tours.

The ratio is so skewed that it’s a common sight on the Socials to see a singular man sitting at a table surrounded by women. This is why men who join the tours to meet women in the Philippines are pleasantly surprised at the incredible opportunity at their hands.

But what happens when there’s jealousy? What happens when a woman becomes territorial and doesn’t want the guy to move on to another table? What if a guy gets attached and doesn’t want to participate in the rest of the tour because he’s sure that he’s found the one?

Our matchmakers point out that if it’s the guy who doesn’t want to participate in the rest of the tour, it’s entirely his choice. He can say that he’s done, that he’s found the one and that he doesn’t want to meet anyone else on the romance tour.

That’s entirely his choice because he’s the customer and it’s his tour. But the agency’s international matchmakers feel as though that would not be the right choice to make. That choice would be akin to blowing a golden opportunity for the guy to possibly meet his soulmate. They feel like a guy needs to go on the rest of the tour and that, if he really needs an excuse to do so, that he should place blame on the agency for making him go.

The matchmakers have seen it more than once: a guy hits it off with one woman during a Social, but then he goes on to the rest of the tour, goes to another Social, and meets someone who completely blows him away.

But, if the first woman really is his soulmate, then it’s not going to matter if he meets 10,000 other women, he’ll want to go back to her.

If you’d like the chance to meet the woman who could be the 1 in 10,000 (or more), then take the opportunity to sign up now for free. See you on the next tour!

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